Frequently asked questions

What is Femtoplay?
Femtoplay is an Out-of-home billboard management solution. It consists of the following:
  1. A digital display: Any electronic display containing our ad player and embedded proof-of-display mechanism.
  2. A software platform: You do not see this. A large software infrastructure that connects all the different pieces.
  3. An free mobile app:You download and install this app. This single app allows you manage your billboards and also manage your advertisements.
Who is a Host? Or how to become a host?
Any person (or entity) that installs a digital display, attaches the ad player and related accessories and then, lists the display in our platform, using our mobile app, for others to place ads on, is a host.
The "Host" , offers a billboard to advertisers for placing ads.
Who is an advertiser?
Any person (or entity) that places an advertisement on one or more of our listed billboards is an advertiser. The advertisement is placed using our mobile app.
What are the responsibilities of the host?
Once you make available a billboard in our listing, for advertisers to place ads, you are responsible for the following primary activities:
  1. Ensure you comply with all laws and regulations applicable to you for this activity
  2. Ensure billboard is installed, maintained and operated safely
  3. Ensure billboard is available as per timings mentioned in the listing
  4. Promptly act on advertisement requests. You must approve all advertisements for them to be displayed. Unapproved advertisements will not be displayed
  5. Ensure that you maintain your tax information current and accurate at all times
The above activities are not an exhaustive list. It only mentions general, everyday activities. If your situation is different, please refer to the Terms or contact us.
What are the responsibilities of the advertiser?
As an advertiser you are responsible for the following primary activities:
  1. Ensure you comply with all laws and regulations applicable to you for this activity
  2. Adhere to content guidelines as described in our Terms
  3. Give adequate time to host for approval of your advertisement
  4. Ensure your payment methods used are current, accurate and have sufficient funds.
  5. Ensure that you maintain your tax information current and accurate at all times
The above activities are not an exhaustive list. It only mentions general, everyday activities. If your situation is different, please refer to the Terms or contact us.
For how long can I book the billboards?
Billboard advertisements are divided into time-slots. Each time-slot is 15 minutes long. A single booking is for 15-minute slot. So,if you pay for 1 slot, your ad will be visible for 15-minutes. There is no concept of 8 or 10 seconds of rotation throughout the day. You choose the date and timeslot at the time of booking (campaigns work differently, describe in later sections).
How to run a long running campaign?
You can schedule a long-running campaign from 5-30 days. You choose the ad graphic, specify the date range, select your daily spend limit and provide the target billboards. Our back-end system will automatically book slots on matching billboards. Billboard matching is done based on the geographic area you have selected(or billboard list you provided) , the ad orientation (e.g. for portrait ad, only portrait billboards are selected) and your daily spend limit.
What ad formats do you support?
We support JPEG format and GIF format (Less than 5MB size). Ads in these two formats can be directly uploaded from the mobile app.GIF image must be less than 20 frames. We do not support video ads.
Can you design our graphic ads?
Yes, our team can design graphic ads for you. You can place your order using our mobile app. Our teams will work with you on your design needs.
How do I pay (how am I charged)?
In USA, we accept credit cards and bank transfers.
In India, we accept credit cards, bank transfers and UPI payments.
We deduct the full payment at the time of booking and provide an advance payment receipt. After the ad is displayed (or service is rendered), we reconcile the services and provide a final tax invoice. If any refunds are due (e.g. you booked 10 slots and we could display only 8), we provide you with zero interest store credits that can be used during next booking.
What if my ad is not displayed? Do I get a refund?
We use various mechanisms to determine if you ad was displayed. If we determine that it was not displayed, you will get a store credit as per the payment terms.
We make best-case effort to determine if the ad was displayed, however, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
How is the store credit calculated?
When we are unable to serve your requests, we will issue a store credit for the equivalent the amount. Please visit our payment terms to understand how store credits are processed for various cases.
How are advertisements approved?
Approval of an advertisement is entirely in the hands of host.In some cases, we may approve your advertisement request (in our sole discretion), overriding the host. Additionally, we may reject your ad if it violates our content policies.
How much do I get paid as host?
We generally decide between a flat-fee per month or revenue-share per month. With some host, we may negotiate different terms. After you register, we will review your listing(s) and decide on the payment option. You will be intimated by email on the mode chosen. For more information please read our payment terms.
How do I get paid as host?
You must provide us your bank details, tax details and other information as applicable to your jurisdiction. Once we have accurate and approved information, we will deposit the payout in the payment instrument you have provided after deducting applicable taxes. For more information please read our payment terms. We pay your share for earnings in previous month in the current month. For example, In June 2024, you will be paid your share of earnings for May 2024.
How do I change my bank details?
You can visit "Settings", and click the "Bank and tax details" section. Delete the details you want to change and then add the new details. All pending payments will stop until new details you submitted are verified. The verification can generally take upto 3 business days.
How do I delete my account?
You can initiate account deletion from the app. Visit the "Settings" section and click on "Profile". You should see a button to delete your account. Please note, deleting an account will still retain financial transactions to comply with various laws and regulations. There is no refund for any payment due to you.
NOTES: We use the word "ad" to represent advertisements